Friday, February 20, 2009

world hunger

Indifference in development, economic and social is one of the key of discrimination. The disparities between the rich and poor country and the developed and developing countries create a large gap between these two types of society and a lot of factor caused the gap to keep on widening. Unfortunately, attempts to bridge the gap and to help the poor living conditions remain at the dialogue stage. Do you actually aware of the existence of mass hunger that occurs because of indifference between your living condition and theirs? Ask yourself; what you have done to eradicate poverty happens in other part of the world. This essay will tell you what are the possible factor that caused the extreme poverty and how we as human being help our friends out there who are really need our concern.

Insufficient support from external sources leads to slow economic growth in most of developing countries. The consequences of the large gap between the rich people and poor people in the countries cause the wealth are not equally distributed. In this economy, the rich become richer and poor become poorer. Thus, most of the poor people in the country would suffer from starvation results from extremely inadequate income to live in a high standard of living. Furthermore, it is certainly true that investment is lots better than the food relief. Investment, plan and research from developed countries would creates a lot of opportunities and jobs for the people and give them a chance to get away from poverty condition. For instance, many African countries population depend on agricultural industries. However, they still live in extreme hunger because the production is not enough to support their own needs and cannot sell enough exports. Injection from other developed country may help to increase their agricultural production thus, provide them a larger income. Eventually after certain period, their economy may start to show a positive growth.

There is now the realization that apart from passive economic growth, threat of war and conflict caused a larger effect of mass hunger. The idea of overcoming enemy troops and civilian resistance ironically results a devastating world hunger. Billions of innocent people in the third world died and suffered from the destructive, initiate by the nation that are powerful and capable of taking control on other countries. The consequents of the destructive are economy of the country slow down, people home destroyed, daily routines are disturbed and supplies of necessities are hard to gain. It takes a long time for a country to recover and build up their economy after encounter a severe economy downswing. Specifically, US intention to protect the world from the suspicion of hidden weapons of mass destruction in Iraq explicitly kills billions Iraqis family and caused a great damage to the economy. The abandon of all categories of weapon may eradicate poverty and all can live in peace.

We have the right to impose the nations that harass the unfortunate people to live a normal life. Even though you are hundred miles away from them and physical help may seem impossible, what we can do is voice out our concern and make the world realize that our decision have resulted catastrophe for this people life. These people need our help. If all of us unite, with one click, life of thousand people can be change. For example, the protest on misused of weapon which is originally used as the idea to attack other countries that have potential to cause damage will make a lot of differences. Make your voice heard about the injustice happens may change hundreds of other life. Besides, by joining the raise fund program in a way may help them. Even though the contribution is not that much, but when each and everyone contribute a few per cent of their income, the effect would be multiplied.

In conclusion, extreme poverty is an unfortunate calamity that man usually ignores the suffering it caused. Wealth is something that cannot be taken granted for however, not sharing them will be such an embarrassment. Make the world fair to everyone that occupies it by pay a concern on the unfortunate one.